Archives of Acoustics,
32, 4(S), pp. 165-171, 2007
Detection and removal of “smacking” artefacts from lector speech records
In the paper, analysis of “smacking” artefacts, introduced to the speech signal by a lector,
was shown. A working algorithm to reduce amount of smacks in the waveform was presented.
The algorithm performs detection of distortions in the time domain using differentiation of
the signal. The removal routine is based on Dicrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) and Inverse
Discrete Wavelet Transform (IDWT).
was shown. A working algorithm to reduce amount of smacks in the waveform was presented.
The algorithm performs detection of distortions in the time domain using differentiation of
the signal. The removal routine is based on Dicrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) and Inverse
Discrete Wavelet Transform (IDWT).
speech enhancement, wavelet transform, impulse noise.
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