Archives of Acoustics, 35, 4, pp. 493–504, 2010

An Improved Method of Permutation Correction in Convolutive Blind Source Separation

Dalian University of Technology School of Electronic and Information Engineering; Institute for Microstructural Sciences National Research Council Canada

Heping DING
Institute for Microstructural Sciences National Research Council Canada

Fuliang YIN
Dalian University of Technology School of Electronic and Information Engineering

This paper proposes an improved method of solving the permutation problem inherent in frequency-domain of convolutive blind source separation (BSS). It combines a novel inter-frequency dependence measure: the power ratio of separated signals, and a simple but effective bin-wise permutation alignment scheme. The proposed method is easy to implement and surpasses the conventional ones. Simulations have shown that it can provide an almost ideal solution of the permutation problem for a case where two or three sources were mixed in a room with a reverberation time of 130 ms.
Keywords: blind source separation; cocktail party; convolutive mixing; frequency domain; permutation problem
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