Archives of Acoustics,
20, 2, pp. 191-198, 1995
Diffraction of a cylindrical acoustic pulse by a wedge
In the paper, the dillraoted field of a cylindrical pulse, approximating
an explosion, at a. wedge with the VangIe a = 3/2rr:, was calculated. This problem
was solved on the basis of the Oborhettinger theory. The drop of the acoustic
pressure level at the edge of the wedge, depending on the energy of the source,
and the drop of the pressure level along the wall of the wedge in the silence zone,
were calculated.
an explosion, at a. wedge with the VangIe a = 3/2rr:, was calculated. This problem
was solved on the basis of the Oborhettinger theory. The drop of the acoustic
pressure level at the edge of the wedge, depending on the energy of the source,
and the drop of the pressure level along the wall of the wedge in the silence zone,
were calculated.
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