Archives of Acoustics, 10, 3, pp. 253-260, 1985

A contribution to the determination of the frequency discrimination ability

J. Kaluzny
Strejirsko technologicka fakulty SVST
Czech Republic

V. Majernik
Katedra fyziky Pedagogickej fakulty
Czech Republic

M. Kaluzna
Katedra fyziky Strojnickej fakulty SlrgT
Czech Republic

The DL's for frequency as a function of the interstimulus intervals are experimentally determined. it is shown that the difference limens for frequency for both non-stationary and stationary signals clearly depend on the duration of the interatimulus interval up to the value N 256 ins. Moreover, it is shown that the recently published values of difference limen for frequency can be analytically expressed as the product of an exponential function and a resonance one where frequency and signal duration are parameters.
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