Archives of Acoustics,
33, 2, pp. 201–207, 2008
Application of genetic algorithmbin an active noise control system
Automation of acoustic measurements constitutes a
considerable challenge to designers. On one hand, the special character of
acoustic measurements in an anechoic room requires designs that minimize
disturbances to the acoustic field; on the other hand, automation always
involves the introduction of additional mechanical elements, which disturb this
field. The authors of this paper attempt to reconcile these conflicting demands
by designing a mechatronic measurement system. On the basis of known solutions
and current measurement needs, a number of concepts has been proposed, and a
design has been identified that can be implemented in the room under study.
considerable challenge to designers. On one hand, the special character of
acoustic measurements in an anechoic room requires designs that minimize
disturbances to the acoustic field; on the other hand, automation always
involves the introduction of additional mechanical elements, which disturb this
field. The authors of this paper attempt to reconcile these conflicting demands
by designing a mechatronic measurement system. On the basis of known solutions
and current measurement needs, a number of concepts has been proposed, and a
design has been identified that can be implemented in the room under study.
acoustic measurements; anechoic room; mechatronics system; microphone
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