Archives of Acoustics, 41, 3, pp. 507–515, 2016

Diagnostics of Rotor Damages of Three-Phase Induction Motors Using Acoustic Signals and SMOFS-20-EXPANDED

AGH University of Science and Technology

A fault diagnostics system of three-phase induction motors was implemented. The implemented system was based on acoustic signals of three-phase induction motors. A feature extraction step was performed using SMOFS-20-EXPANDED (shortened method of frequencies selection-20-Expanded). A classification step was performed using 3 classifiers: LDA (Linear Discriminant Analysis), NBC (Naive Bayes Classifier), CT (Classification Tree). An analysis was carried out for incipient states of three-phase induction motors measured under laboratory conditions. The author measured and analysed the following states of motors: healthy motor, motor with one faulty rotor bar, motor with two faulty rotor bars, motor with faulty ring of squirrel-cage. Measured and analysed states were caused by natural degradation of parts of the machine. The efficiency of recognition of the analysed states was good. The proposed method of fault diagnostics can find application in protection of three-phase induction motors.
Keywords: induction motor; machine; acoustic signal; acoustic emission; fault diagnostics.
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Copyright © Polish Academy of Sciences & Institute of Fundamental Technological Research (IPPT PAN).


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DOI: 10.1515/aoa-2016-0049