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Research Papers
Active systems in the vibration control of heavy machine driver's seats | |
I. Ballo, N. Szuttor | 319-326 |
Comparison of prediction methods for road traffic noise | |
L. Czabalay, L. Sarvari | 327-334 |
Analysis of directional radiation patterns of a system of flat plane sound sources | |
Zbigniew Engel, Lesław Strychniewicz | 335-344 |
Active noise and vibration control (anvc): current trends, permanent aims and future possibilities | |
Maurice Jessel | 345-358 |
Sound insulation requirements in office buildings and schools | |
J. Lang | 357-362 |
Diagnostics is a proper field for noise control engineers | |
Richard H. Lyon | 363-368 |
Simple estimation methods for noise reduction by variously shaped barriers | |
Z. Maekawa | 369 -382 |
Some considerations on common noise criteria | |
H. Myncke | 383-400 |
Verification tests of a method of determining sound intensity with the application of a two microphone technique | |
Ryszard Panuszka, Jacek Cieślik | 401-410 |
Reverberation times and reverberation levels | |
V. M. A. Peutz | 411-426 |
Using the energy accountancy equation to modify punch design in presses | |
E. J. Richards | 427-438 |
Acoustic problems in multi-storey residential buildings raised by means of industrialized technology methods | |
Jerzy Sadowski | 447-466 |
Proceedings of the conference on noise suppression noise Control 85 | |
317-318 |
The conference on prospects in modern acoustics education and development (how to teach acoustics ?) | |
A. Śliwiński | 467 |