View or download the full issue | Vol 14, Issue 1-2 |
Research Papers
Light and acoustic pulse interaction in the Bragg diffraction region | |
Jerzy Bodzenta, Zygmunt Kleszczewski | 3-10 |
An experimental lithotripsy system for the study of shock wave effects | |
Leszek Filipczyński, Jerzy Etienne, Anna Grabowska, Tomasz Waszczuk | 11-27 |
Acoustical shadow of a sphere immersed in water. I | |
Leszek Filipczyński, Tamara Kujawska | 29-43 |
Testing a new listening-room | |
Gustaw Budzyński, Bjarne Langvad, Henrik Moller | 45-60 |
Problem of acoustical relaxation of lutidine 3-4 | |
B. Linde, E. Rosenfeld | 61-65 |
Dynamical model of the vocal tract in consonant and nasalized articulation | |
Wanda Nowakowska, Piotr Żarnecki | 67-96 |
Study of the ae frequency spectra of some rocks | |
Marie-Christine Reymond, Anna Jaroszewska | 97-109 |
Preliminary ultrasonographic studies on an electronic system for focusing an ultrasonic beam | |
Tomasz Waszczuk, Grażyna Łypacewicz, Jan Somer | 111-121 |
Practical application of the phenomenon of acoustic emission in rocks | |
Wacław M. Zuberek, Lesław Chodyń | 123-142 |