In Memoriam
Professor Mack A. Breazeale | |
Antoni ŚLIWIŃSKI | 405-406 |
Nonconscious Control of Voice Intensity During Vocalization | |
Honorata HAFKE | 407-414 |
Numerical Simulation for the Bell Directivity Patterns Determination | |
Andrzej GOŁAŚ, Roman FILIPEK | 415-427 |
The Domain of Pitch in Music | |
Andrzej RAKOWSKI | 429-443 |
Temperature Fields Induced by Low Power Focused Ultrasound in Soft Tissues During Gene Therapy. Numerical Predictions and Experimental Results | |
Barbara GAMBIN, Tamara KUJAWSKA, Eleonora KRUGLENKO, Andrzej MIZERA, Andrzej NOWICKI | 445-459 |
Spatial Resolution of Attenuation Imaging | |
Ziemowit KLIMONDA, Jerzy LITNIEWSKI, Andrzej NOWICKI | 461-470 |
Use of Quantitative Ultrasound to Measure Acoustic Properties of Human Skin | |
Study of the Effect of the Orchestra Pit on the Acoustics of the Kraków Opera Hall | |
Tadeusz KAMISIŃSKI, Mirosław BURKOT, Jarosław RUBACHA, Krzysztof BRAWATA | 481-490 |
Application of Hilbert Transform-Based Methodology to Computer Modelling of Reverberant Sound Decay in Irregularly Shaped Rooms | |
Mirosław MEISSNER | 491-506 |
Modelling and Vibration Control of Planar Systems by the Use of Piezoelectric Actuators | |
Lucyna LENIOWSKA | 507-519 |
Feedforward vs. Feedback Fixed-Parameter H2 Control of Non-Stationary Noise | |
Mariusz LATOS, Marek PAWEŁCZYK | 521-535 |
Insertion Loss of Spiral Ducts - Measurements and Computations | |
Wojciech ŁAPKA | 537-545 |
Selected Factors Affecting Uncertainty of All-Weather Microphones Research | |
Grażyna WSZOŁEK | 547-557 |
A Multi-Channel System for Sound Control in the Open Space | |
Wojciech CIESIELKA | 559-577 |
Motor Nonlinearities in Electrodynamic Loudspeakers: Modelling and Measurement | |
Benoit MERIT, Valérie LEMARQUAND, Guy LEMARQUAND, Andrzej DOBRUCKI | 579-590 |
An Ironless Large Displacement Flat Piston Loudspeaker | |
Mathias REMY, Guy LEMARQUAND, Gael GUYADER | 591-599 |
Statistical Characteristics of the Damped Vibrations of a String Excited by Stochastic Forces | |
Marian JABŁOŃSKI, Agnieszka OZGA | 601-612 |
Self-Tuning Control with Regularized RLS Algorithm for Vibration Cancellation of a Circular Plate | |
Lucyna LENIOWSKA, Paweł KOS | 613-624 |
Acoustic Streaming Caused by Some Types of Aperiodic Sound. Buildup of Acoustic Streaming | |
Anna PERELOMOVA, Paweł WOJDA | 625-639 |
Structure and Ultrasonic Properties of Vanadium Tellurite Glasses Containing Copper Oxide | |
Nadia S. ABD EL-AAL, Hesham A. AFIFI | 641-654 |
Comparison of Acoustic Emission and Structure Degradation in Compressed Porcelain and Corundum Materials | |
Przemysław RANACHOWSKI, Feliks REJMUND, Zbigniew RANACHOWSKI, Andrzej PAWEŁEK, Andrzej PIĄTKOWSKI | 655-676 |
Blood Scattering Model for Pulsed Doppler | |
Piotr KARWAT, Andrzej NOWICKI, Marcin LEWANDOWSKI | 677-684 |
Synthetic Transmit Aperture in Ultrasound Imaging | |
Ihor TROTS, Andrzej NOWICKI, Marcin LEWANDOWSKI | 685-695 |
Experimental Study of Simultanoeus Transmission of a Light Wave and an Ultrasonic Wave in an Optical Fiber with the Use of a Mach-Zehnder Interferometer | |
Sylwia MUC, Tadeusz GUDRA, Elżbieta BEREŚ-PAWLIK | 697-714 |
Ultrasonic Characterization of Bi2(Te1-xSex)3 System | |
Mohamed El-Sayed GAAFAR, Laila Ibrahim SOLIMAN, Samir Yousuf MARZOUK | 715-725 |
Determination of Transport and Thermal Properties of Silicon Samples by the Phase-Lag and Sf/Sr Methods | |
Łukasz CHROBAK, Mirosław MALIŃSKI | 727-734 |
Transmission of Ultrasonic Waves in Optical Fibers with the Use of Sandwich Type Transducer | |
Sylwia MUC | 735-745 |