e-ISSN: 2300-262X, ISSN: 0137-5075

Vol 46, No 2 (2021)

Research Papers

Revisiting the Open-End Reflection Coefficient and Turbulent Losses in an Organ Pipe with Low Mach Number Flowipe with low Mach number flow PDF
Viktor HRUŠKA, Pavel DLASK 197–204
Measurement of Compound Sound Sources with Adaptive Spatial Radiation for Low-Frequency Active Noise Control Applications PDF
Analysis and Experiment on the Limitations of Static and Dynamic Transaural Reproduction with Two Frontal Loudspeakers PDF
Lulu LIU, Bosun XIE 213–228
Relationship Between Chinese Speech Intelligibility of Elderly and Speech Transmission Index PDF
Jianxin PENG, Jiazhong ZENG, Yuezhe ZHAO 229–235
Conditional Random Fields Applied to Arabic Orthographic-Phonetic Transcription PDF
El-Hadi CHERIFI, Mhania GUERTI 237–247
Spatial Hearing Questionnaire: Psychometric Properties of Turkish Version and Correlations with Hearing Skills PDF
Acoustic Methods in Identifying Symptoms of Emotional States PDF
Zuzanna PIĄTEK, Maciej KŁACZYŃSKI 259–269
Audio Feature Space Analysis for Emotion Recognition from Spoken Sentences PDF
Lukasz SMIETANKA, Tomasz MAKA 271–277
Assessment of Audio-Visual Environmental Stimuli. Complementarity of Comfort and Discomfort Scales PDF
Jan FELCYN, Anna PREIS, Marcin PRASZKOWSKI, Małgorzata WRZOSEK 279–288
Transmission Perspective on the Mechanism of Coarse and Fine Crackle Sounds PDF
Bing-Yuh LU, Meng-Lun HSUEH, Huey-Dong WU 289–300
Observation and Modelling on the Shipping Noise in Shallow Waters with Complex Islands and Reefs of the East China Sea PDF
Zilong PENG, Fulin ZHOU, Jun FAN, Bin WANG, Huabing WEN 301–312
Experimental and Numerical Acoustoelectric Investigation of the New SAW Structure with (RR)-P3HT Polymer in DMMP Detection PDF
Tomasz Robert HEJCZYK, Jarosław WROTNIAK, Mirosław MAGNUSKI, Wiesław JAKUBIK 313–322
Nonlinear Interaction of Magnetoacoustic Modes in a Quasi-Isentropic Plasma Flow PDF
Anna PERELOMOVA 323–333
Broadening Low-Frequency Band Gap of Double-Panel Structure Using Locally Resonant Sonic Crystal Comprised of Slot-Type Helmholtz Resonators PDF
Myong-Jin KIM, Chun-Gil RIM, Kyong-Su WON 335–340
Experimental Assessment of the Impact of Sonication Parameters on Necrotic Lesions Induced in Tissues by HIFU Ablative Device for Preclinical Studies PDF
Łukasz FURA, Wojciech DERA, Cezary DZIEKOŃSKI, Maciej ŚWIĄTKIEWICZ, Tamara KUJAWSKA 341–352

Technical Notes

Traffic Noise and its Impact on Wellness of the Residents in Sambalpur City – a Critical Analysis PDF
Alekh Kumar SAHU, Satish Kumar NAYAK, Chitta Ranjan MOHANTY, Prasant Kumar PRADHAN 353–363
A Lab-scale HVAC Hissing-type Noise Characterization with Vehicle System Validation PDF
Mohd Hafiz Abdul SATAR, Ahmad Zhafran Ahmad MAZLAN, Muhd Hidayat HAMDAN, Mohd Syazwan Md ISA, Muhd Abdul Rahman PAIMAN, Mohd Zukhairi Abd GHAPAR 365–373
Experimental Validation of the HVAC Humming-type Noise and Vibration in Model and Vehicle System Levels PDF
Mohd Hafiz Abdul SATAR, Ahmad Zhafran Ahmad MAZLAN, Muhd Hidayat HAMDAN, Mohd Syazwan Md ISA, Muhd Abdul Rahman PAIMAN, Mohd Zukhairi Abd GHAPAR 375–385