Open Seminar on Acoustics OSA'2007 | |
5-5 |
Research Papers
The Green function for the Neumann boundary value problem at the semiinfinite cylinder and the flat infinite baffle | |
Wojciech Rdzanek, Witold Rdzanek, Anna Różycka | 7-12 |
Waves in ducts described by means of potentials | |
Anna Snakowska | 13-28 |
Dependence of harmonic generation on primary wave pressure distribution | |
Anna Baranowska | 29-34 |
Acoustic streaming induced by the non-periodic sound in a viscous medium | |
Anna Perelomova | 35-40 |
Frequencies of localized acoustic modes in dependence on mutual relation of components of Au/V nanolayers | |
Mikołaj Aleksiejuk | 41-46 |
Acoustic wave velocity in Ag/Fe nanolayers | |
Mikołaj Aleksiejuk, Feliks Rejmund | 47-51 |
Ultrasonic chemical sensor for detection of aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons in air | |
Andrzej Balcerzak, Genady Zhavnerko | 53-58 |
The ferroelectric PLZT type ceramics as a material for transducers | |
Marek Czerwiec, Radosław Zachariasz, Jan Ilczuk | 59-63 |
Dielectric and piezoelectric properties of PZT type ceramics obtained by the sol-gel method | |
Monika Dukat, Aldona Zarycka | 65-70 |
Three-dimentional imaging in ultrasonic microscopy | |
Krzysztof Dynowski, Jerzy Litniewski, Andrzej Nowicki | 71-75 |
Imaging of the mean frequency of the ultrasonic echoes | |
Ziemowit Klimonda, Andrzej Nowicki | 77-80 |
Universal coded ultrasound imaging system with software processing | |
Marcin Lewandowski, Andrzej Nowicki | 81-86 |
Acoustic emission in compressed Mg-Li and Al alloys processed by ECAP, HPT and ARB methods | |
Andrzej Pawełek, Andrzej Piątkowski, Jan Kuśnierz, Joanna Bogucka, Zdzisław Jasieński, Zbigniew Ranachowski, Przemysław Ranachowski, Jarosław Mizera, Stanislav Kúdela, Stanislaw Kúdela Jr. | 87-93 |
Magnetic properties and anisotropy of ultrasound attenuation in APG-832 magnetic liquid | |
Patrycja Regulska, Andrzej Skumiel, Tomasz Hornowski, Arkadiusz Józefczak | 95-100 |
The influence of the transducer bandwidth on the efficient Golay codes compression | |
Ihor Trots, Andrzej Nowicki, Wojciech Secomski, Ryszard Tymkiewicz | 101-110 |
Electric and mechanical properties of Pb(Fe$_{0.5}$Nb$_{0.5}$)O$_{3}$ ferroelectric ceramics | |
Radosław Zachariasz, Jan Ilczuk | 111-116 |
A preliminary analysis of possibilities of compensating faults of laser and ultrasonic technologies in surgery | |
Tadeusz Gudra, Sylwia Muc | 117-122 |
The effects of low frequency sound on the levels of activation | |
Cezary Kasprzak | 123-128 |
Use of double-phase-sensitive detection to measure DPOAE signals | |
Wojciech Michalski, Wojciech Dziewiszek, Marek Bochnia | 129-134 |
Ultrasonic examinations of IMT changes in common carotid artery wall | |
Zbigniew Trawiński, Tadeusz Powałowski, Piotr Gutkiewicz | 135-141 |
The acoustic and electroglottographic methods of determination the vocal folds vibration fundamental frequency | |
Wiesław Wszołek, Maciej Kłaczyński, Zbigniew Engel | 143-150 |
Acoustic analysis of esophageal speech in patients after total laryngectomy | |
Wiesław Wszołek, Maciej Modrzejewski, Monika Przysiężny | 151-158 |
Automation of the logatom intelligibility measurements in rooms | |
Stefan Brachmański | 159-164 |
Detection and removal of “smacking” artefacts from lector speech records | |
Marek Jaskuła, Hanna Perużyńska | 165-171 |
Comparison of subjective and objective speaker recognition under voice disguise conditions | |
Wojciech Majewski | 173-178 |
Polish digit triplet test for auditory screening: development and initial evaluation | |
Edward Ozimek, Dariusz Kutzner, Aleksander Sęk, Andrzej Wicher | 179-185 |
Tests of robustness of GMM speaker verification in VoIP telephony | |
Piotr Staroniewicz | 187-192 |
Case studies on absolute pitch | |
Sylwia Makomaska | 193-196 |
A method of detecting the C4 violin mode in the energy spectra of chromatic scales | |
Piotr Wrzeciono | 197-201 |
Spatial equalization of selected sound source by digital inverse filtering | |
Wojciech Ciesielka | 203-212 |
Analysis of non-exponential sound decay in an enclosure composed of two connected rectangular subrooms | |
Mirosław Meissner | 213-220 |
Acoustic field in the mechanical workshop | |
Janusz Piechowicz | 221-226 |
Analysis of sound field in dominicans’ church in Cracow | |
Magdalena Plewa | 227-233 |
Analysis of stochastic acoustical hazards in environment | |
Wojciech Batko, Renata Bal-Pyrcz | 235-245 |
Acoustic attenuation performance of a round silencer with the spiral duct at the inlet | |
Wojciech Łapka | 247-252 |
Effect of measurement method on an earmuff’s frequency response | |
Rafał Młyński, Jan Żera | 253-258 |
Statistical analysis of a noise measurements for the series of roro ships | |
Mateusz Weryk | 259-264 |
Modelling of vibration and noise control of a submerged circular plate | |
Jerzy Wiciak | 265-270 |
Uncertainty of sound insulation measurement in laboratory | |
Tadeusz Wszołek | 271-277 |
Uncertainty of industrial noise measurement at distant locations from the source | |
Tadeusz Wszołek | 279-290 |
Investigation of the acoustic pressure distribution occurring around an aerial substation adjacent to apartment buildings | |
Sebastian Borucki, Tomasz Boczar, Andrzej Cichoń | 291-297 |
Comparative analysis of the AE signals generated by partial single- and multi-source discharges | |
Andrzej Cichoń, Tomasz Boczar, Sebastian Borucki, Marcin Lorenc | 299-304 |
Comparative calibrations of measuring microphones performed in a free field | |
Grażyna Wszołek, Wiesław Barwicz | 305-312 |
Modeling of narrow and wideband signals scattering by randomly distributed scattering points | |
Andrzej Elminowicz, Leonard Zajączkowski | 313-318 |
Application of time reversal technique in shallow water environment | |
Sławomir Jastrzębski | 319-324 |
Perceptual consequences of change in vocoded speech parameters for various reverberation conditions | |
Szymon Drgas, Magdalena Błaszak | 325-330 |
Modulation masking phenomenon for masking signals of different spectral and statistical properties | |
Dariusz Kutzner | 331-336 |
Efficiency of blind source separation in a real room | |
Paweł Libiszewski, Jędrzej Kociński | 337-342 |