e-ISSN: 2300-262X, ISSN: 0137-5075

Vol 32, No 4(S) (2007)

Open Seminar on Acoustics OSA'2007 PDF

Research Papers

The Green function for the Neumann boundary value problem at the semiinfinite cylinder and the flat infinite baffle PDF
Wojciech Rdzanek, Witold Rdzanek, Anna Różycka 7-12
Waves in ducts described by means of potentials PDF
Anna Snakowska 13-28
Dependence of harmonic generation on primary wave pressure distribution PDF
Anna Baranowska 29-34
Acoustic streaming induced by the non-periodic sound in a viscous medium PDF
Anna Perelomova 35-40
Frequencies of localized acoustic modes in dependence on mutual relation of components of Au/V nanolayers PDF
Mikołaj Aleksiejuk 41-46
Acoustic wave velocity in Ag/Fe nanolayers PDF
Mikołaj Aleksiejuk, Feliks Rejmund 47-51
Ultrasonic chemical sensor for detection of aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons in air PDF
Andrzej Balcerzak, Genady Zhavnerko 53-58
The ferroelectric PLZT type ceramics as a material for transducers PDF
Marek Czerwiec, Radosław Zachariasz, Jan Ilczuk 59-63
Dielectric and piezoelectric properties of PZT type ceramics obtained by the sol-gel method PDF
Monika Dukat, Aldona Zarycka 65-70
Three-dimentional imaging in ultrasonic microscopy PDF
Krzysztof Dynowski, Jerzy Litniewski, Andrzej Nowicki 71-75
Imaging of the mean frequency of the ultrasonic echoes PDF
Ziemowit Klimonda, Andrzej Nowicki 77-80
Universal coded ultrasound imaging system with software processing PDF
Marcin Lewandowski, Andrzej Nowicki 81-86
Acoustic emission in compressed Mg-Li and Al alloys processed by ECAP, HPT and ARB methods PDF
Andrzej Pawełek, Andrzej Piątkowski, Jan Kuśnierz, Joanna Bogucka, Zdzisław Jasieński, Zbigniew Ranachowski, Przemysław Ranachowski, Jarosław Mizera, Stanislav Kúdela, Stanislaw Kúdela Jr. 87-93
Magnetic properties and anisotropy of ultrasound attenuation in APG-832 magnetic liquid PDF
Patrycja Regulska, Andrzej Skumiel, Tomasz Hornowski, Arkadiusz Józefczak 95-100
The influence of the transducer bandwidth on the efficient Golay codes compression PDF
Ihor Trots, Andrzej Nowicki, Wojciech Secomski, Ryszard Tymkiewicz 101-110
Electric and mechanical properties of Pb(Fe$_{0.5}$Nb$_{0.5}$)O$_{3}$ ferroelectric ceramics PDF
Radosław Zachariasz, Jan Ilczuk 111-116
A preliminary analysis of possibilities of compensating faults of laser and ultrasonic technologies in surgery PDF
Tadeusz Gudra, Sylwia Muc 117-122
The effects of low frequency sound on the levels of activation PDF
Cezary Kasprzak 123-128
Use of double-phase-sensitive detection to measure DPOAE signals PDF
Wojciech Michalski, Wojciech Dziewiszek, Marek Bochnia 129-134
Ultrasonic examinations of IMT changes in common carotid artery wall PDF
Zbigniew Trawiński, Tadeusz Powałowski, Piotr Gutkiewicz 135-141
The acoustic and electroglottographic methods of determination the vocal folds vibration fundamental frequency PDF
Wiesław Wszołek, Maciej Kłaczyński, Zbigniew Engel 143-150
Acoustic analysis of esophageal speech in patients after total laryngectomy PDF
Wiesław Wszołek, Maciej Modrzejewski, Monika Przysiężny 151-158
Automation of the logatom intelligibility measurements in rooms PDF
Stefan Brachmański 159-164
Detection and removal of “smacking” artefacts from lector speech records PDF
Marek Jaskuła, Hanna Perużyńska 165-171
Comparison of subjective and objective speaker recognition under voice disguise conditions PDF
Wojciech Majewski 173-178
Polish digit triplet test for auditory screening: development and initial evaluation PDF
Edward Ozimek, Dariusz Kutzner, Aleksander Sęk, Andrzej Wicher 179-185
Tests of robustness of GMM speaker verification in VoIP telephony PDF
Piotr Staroniewicz 187-192
Case studies on absolute pitch PDF
Sylwia Makomaska 193-196
A method of detecting the C4 violin mode in the energy spectra of chromatic scales PDF
Piotr Wrzeciono 197-201
Spatial equalization of selected sound source by digital inverse filtering PDF
Wojciech Ciesielka 203-212
Analysis of non-exponential sound decay in an enclosure composed of two connected rectangular subrooms PDF
Mirosław Meissner 213-220
Acoustic field in the mechanical workshop PDF
Janusz Piechowicz 221-226
Analysis of sound field in dominicans’ church in Cracow PDF
Magdalena Plewa 227-233
Analysis of stochastic acoustical hazards in environment PDF
Wojciech Batko, Renata Bal-Pyrcz 235-245
Acoustic attenuation performance of a round silencer with the spiral duct at the inlet PDF
Wojciech Łapka 247-252
Effect of measurement method on an earmuff’s frequency response PDF
Rafał Młyński, Jan Żera 253-258
Statistical analysis of a noise measurements for the series of roro ships PDF
Mateusz Weryk 259-264
Modelling of vibration and noise control of a submerged circular plate PDF
Jerzy Wiciak 265-270
Uncertainty of sound insulation measurement in laboratory PDF
Tadeusz Wszołek 271-277
Uncertainty of industrial noise measurement at distant locations from the source PDF
Tadeusz Wszołek 279-290
Investigation of the acoustic pressure distribution occurring around an aerial substation adjacent to apartment buildings PDF
Sebastian Borucki, Tomasz Boczar, Andrzej Cichoń 291-297
Comparative analysis of the AE signals generated by partial single- and multi-source discharges PDF
Andrzej Cichoń, Tomasz Boczar, Sebastian Borucki, Marcin Lorenc 299-304
Comparative calibrations of measuring microphones performed in a free field PDF
Grażyna Wszołek, Wiesław Barwicz 305-312
Modeling of narrow and wideband signals scattering by randomly distributed scattering points PDF
Andrzej Elminowicz, Leonard Zajączkowski 313-318
Application of time reversal technique in shallow water environment PDF
Sławomir Jastrzębski 319-324
Perceptual consequences of change in vocoded speech parameters for various reverberation conditions PDF
Szymon Drgas, Magdalena Błaszak 325-330
Modulation masking phenomenon for masking signals of different spectral and statistical properties PDF
Dariusz Kutzner 331-336
Efficiency of blind source separation in a real room PDF
Paweł Libiszewski, Jędrzej Kociński 337-342