Archives of Acoustics, 32, 4(S), pp. 291-297, 2007

Investigation of the acoustic pressure distribution occurring around an aerial substation adjacent to apartment buildings

Sebastian Borucki
Technical University of Opole, Institute of Electric Power Engineering, Prószkowska 76, Building 2, 45-758 Opole

Tomasz Boczar
Technical University of Opole, Institute of Electric Power Engineering, Prószkowska 76, Building 2, 45-758 Opole

Andrzej Cichoń
Technical University of Opole, Institute of Electric Power Engineering, Prószkowska 76, Building 2, 45-758 Opole

The subject matter of the research work presented in this paper refers to the measurements
of the value of the acoustic pressure level (noise) occurring around an aerial electric power
station (Main Feed Point) of the voltage of 110/30/15 kV, adjacent to apartment buildings.
The paper presents noise values obtained which accompanies electrical appliances installed
in the station diagnosed, first of all transformers, during their regular operation. The main
aim of the research work conducted was to compare and assess the acoustic pressure values
measured with permissible values defined in environmental standards being in force in Poland.
The measurement results obtained during the experiment made it possible to determine area
zones of the station, in which the acoustic pressure parameters obtained assume permissible
Keywords: noise, acoustic pressure level, environmental standards, noise measurements.
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