XV International Conference Noise Control 2010 | |
131–131 |
From the history of the Noise Control Conference | |
Zbigniew Witold ENGEL | 133-144 |
Research Papers
Sound, noise and speech at the 9000-seat Holy Trinity Church in Fatima, Portugal | |
António P.O. CARVALHO, Pedro M.A. SILVA | 145-156 |
Sound-absorbing and insulating enclosures for ultrasonic range | |
Andrzej DOBRUCKI, Bronisław ŻÓŁTOGÓRSKI, Piotr PRUCHNICKI, Romuald BOLEJKO | 157-164 |
Reduction of vibrations of pedestrian bridges using Tuned Mass Dampers (TMD) | |
Wiesław FIEBIG | 165-174 |
Cogeneration in small scale - high speed microturbines dynamic analysis | |
Jan KICIŃSKI | 175–182 |
Whole-body and hand-arm vibration in in-house transport | |
Piotr KOWALSKI, Jacek ZAJĄC | 183-190 |
Active noise control algorithm based on a neural network and nonlinear input-output system identification model | |
Tomasz KRUKOWICZ | 191-202 |
Adaptive algorithms for enhancement of speech subject to a high-level noise | |
Mariusz LATOS, Marek PAWEŁCZYK | 203-212 |
Earplug actuator selection for a miniature personal active hearing protection system | |
Marek PAWEŁCZYK, Mariusz LATOS | 213–222 |
Method of acoustic assessment of machinery based on global acoustic quality index | |
Dariusz PLEBAN | 223-235 |
Monitoring the reaction and response of people to urban noise | |
Diana Ioana POPESCU, Iuliana Fabiola MOHOLEA | 237-244 |
Analysis of acoustic environment on premises of nursery schools in Wrocław | |
Barbara RUDNO-RUDZIŃSKA, Karolina CZAJKOWSKA | 245-252 |
Noise at workplaces in the call center | |
Bożena SMAGOWSKA | 253-264 |
Acoustic intensity imaging methods for in-situ wave propagation | |
Stefan WEYNA | 265-273 |
XV International Conference Noise Control 2010 - Abstracts | |
Editorial Board | 275–305 |