e-ISSN: 2300-262X, ISSN: 0137-5075

Vol 32, No 4 (2007)


The role and use of speech gestures in discourse PDF
Nick CAMPBELL 803-814
Experiments on long-term and short-term memory for pitch in musicians PDF
Andrzej RAKOWSKI, Piotr ROGOWSKI 815-826
Simple methods for determination of the acoustical properties of ground surfaces PDF
Roman GOŁĘBIEWSKI 827-837
Application of genetic algorithmbin an active noise control system PDF
Grzegorz MAKAREWICZ 839-849
Modelling of examinations of artery wall thickness changes PDF
Tadeusz POWAŁOWSKI, Janusz WÓJCIK, Zbigniew TRAWIŃSKI 851-857
Some comments about the existing theory of sound with comparison to the experimental research of vector effects in real-life acoustic near fields PDF
Stefan WEYNA 859-870
Sound velocity and parameter of nonlinearity in the two-component relaxing mixtures PDF
Anna PERELOMOVA 871-881
Sound pressure radiation of a circular piston located at a two- and three-wall corners PDF
Wojciech P. RDZANEK, Krzysztof SZEMELA, Dawid PIECZONKA 883-893
Influence of phase correction on the acoustic impedance of circular planar sources PDF
Paweł KOS, Lucyna LENIOWSKA 895-901
Influence of the transducer bandwidth on compressed ultrasonic echoes PDF
Ihor TROTS, Andrzej NOWICKI 903-915
A two-stage Wiener filter based multi-channel feedback virtual microphone acoustic noise reducing system PDF
Marek PAWEŁCZYK 917-922
Modeling of torsional vibration in harmonic drives PDF
Ryszard LENIOWSKI 923-931
On the classification of dense fluids PDF
Sławomir PIEKARSKI 933-940
Crack detection on beams by time-frequency analysis of transient flexural waves PDF
Anastasia APOSTOLOUDIA, Evanthia DOUKA, Leontios J. HADJILEONTIADIS, Ioannis T. REKANOS, Athanasios TROCHIDIS 941-954
Acoustic emission and the Portevin-Le Châtelier effect in tensile tested Al alloys processed by ARB technique PDF
Andrzej PAWEŁEK, Jan KUŚNIERZ, Joanna BOGUCKA, Zdzisław JASIEŃSKI, Zbigniew RANACHOWSKI, Przemysław RANACHOWSKI, Feliks REJMUND, Tomasz DĘBOWSKI 955-962
Acoustic-mechanical and microscopic investigation of corundum material PDF
Przemysław RANACHOWSKI, Feliks REJMUND, Andrzej PAWEŁEK, Andrzej PIĄTKOWSKI 963-969

Technical Notes

Architectural and environmental acoustics as an aspect of sustainable development PDF
Jerzy SADOWSKI, Jacek NURZYŃSKI 971-982
Management of environmental noise - the Cracow example PDF
Wojciech CIESIELKA 983-994