Review Papers
Sonification: Review of Auditory Display Solutions in Electronic Travel Aids for the Blind | |
Michał BUJACZ, Paweł STRUMIŁŁO | 401–414 |
Analysis of Social Conflicts in Poland’s Soundscape as a Challenge to Socio-Acoustics | |
Sebastian BERNAT | 415–426 |
Research Papers
Hybridisation of Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficient and Higher Order Spectral Features for Musical Instruments Classification | |
Daulappa Guranna BHALKE, C. B. RAMA RAO, Dattatraya BORMANE | 427–436 |
Subjective Evaluation of Three Headphone-Based Virtual Sound Source Positioning Methods Including Differential Head-Related Transfer Function | |
Dominik STOREK, Frantisek RUND, Petr MARSALEK | 437–447 |
Decision Support System for Identifying Technical Condition of Combustion Engine | |
Adam DEPTUŁA, Piotr OSIŃSKI, Urszula RADZIWANOWSKA | 449–460 |
Acoustic Scattering of 3D Complex Systems Having Random Rough Surfaces by Scalar Integral Equations | |
Juan Antonio GUEL-TAPIA, Francisco VILLA-VILLA, Alberto MENDOZA-SUÁREZ, Héctor PÉREZ-AGUILAR | 461–472 |
Modeling and Designing Acoustical Conditions of the Interior – Case Study | |
Bożena KOSTEK, Sebastian LASKOWSKI, Karolina MIZGIER | 473–484 |
Calculation Models for Acoustic Analysis of St. Elizabeth of Hungary Church in Jaworzno Szczakowa | |
Krzysztof KOSAŁA | 485–498 |
Feedforward Control of a Light-Weight Device Casing for Active Noise Reduction | |
Stanislaw WRONA, Marek PAWELCZYK | 499–505 |
Diagnostics of Rotor Damages of Three-Phase Induction Motors Using Acoustic Signals and SMOFS-20-EXPANDED | |
Adam GLOWACZ | 507–515 |
Confidence Intervals for the Long-Term Noise Indicators Using the Kernel Density Estimator | |
Bartłomiej STĘPIEŃ | 517–525 |
Numerical Study of Forced Vibration Suppression by Parametric Anti-Resonance | |
Ludĕk PEŠEK, Petr ŠULC, Ladislav PŮST | 527–533 |
The Risks of Social Noise Exposure in the Vulnerable Population in Slovakia | |
Lubica ARGALASOVA, Alexandra FILOVA, Katarina HIROSOVA, Diana VONDROVA, Martin SAMOHYL, Daniela KRAJCOVA, Jana JURKOVICOVA, Ludmila SEVCIKOVA | 535–541 |
Mathematical Modelling of Sound Radiation from a T Junction of City Roads in Windy Conditions | |
Olexa PIDDUBNIAK, Nadia PIDDUBNIAK | 543–558 |
Local Fault Assessment in a Helical Geared System via Sound and Vibration Parameters Using Multiclass SVM Classifiers | |
Muniyappa AMARNATH | 559–571 |
The New Methodology for Assessing of the Applicability of Elastomeric Materials in the Vibration Isolation Systems of Railway Lines | |
Jarosław BEDNARZ | 573–578 |
Wavelet Packet Transform based Speech Enhancement via Two-Dimensional SPP Estimator with Generalized Gamma Priors | |
Pengfei SUN, Jun QIN | 579–590 |
Measurement Precision Under Repeatability Conditions of a Batch of Sound Power Assessment for Blenders in Reverberation Room | |
Rodrigo P.B. COSTA-FELIX | 591–597 |
Research and Modeling of Mechanical Crosstalk in Linear Arrays of Ultrasonic Transducers | |
Mateusz CELMER, Krzysztof J. OPIELIŃSKI | 599–612 |
63 Open Seminar on Acoustics | |
Chronicle OSA 2016 | 613–632 |