Preface | |
3–3 |
Absolute pitch: Common traits in music and language | |
Andrzej RAKOWSKI, Ken'ichi MIYAZAKI | 5–16 |
Speaking fundamental frequency of original speakers and their imitators | |
Wolciech MAJEWSKI | 17–23 |
Prosody annotation for unit selection TTS synthesis | |
Grażyna DEMENKO, Agnieszka WAGNER | 25–40 |
Synthesis of fundamental frequency contours for Standard Chinese based on superpositional and tone nucleus models | |
Keikichi HIROSE, Qinghua SUN, Nobuaki MINEMATSU | 41–50 |
Selected quasi-lexical and non-lexical units in Polish map task dialogues | |
Maciej KARPIŃSKI | 51–65 |
Basic parameters in speech processing. The need for evaluation | |
Harald HÖGE | 67–74 |
Semantic disambiguation in a MT system based on a bilingual dictionary | |
Krzysztof JASSEM, Agnieszka WAGNER | 75–87 |
Perception and analysis of Chinese accented German vowels | |
Hongwei DING, Oliver JOKISCH, Rüdiger HOFFMANN | 89–100 |
Using casual speech phonology in synthetic speech | |
Linda SHOCKEY | 101–109 |
Generalization in context sensitive grammars | |
Andrzej PLUCIŃSKI | 111–117 |
Polish LVCSR in the Janus system. Preliminary results for the SpeeCon database | |
Krzysztof MARASEK | 119–126 |
Dynamic programming method for fine-tuning the boundary points in automatic segmentation of speech | |
Marcin SZYMAŃSKI, Stefan GROCHOLEWSKI | 127–134 |
Articulatory parameters in consonant production after tumour surgery: a real-time MRI investigation | |
Katalin MÁDY, Ambros BEER | 135–145 |
Automatic understanding of acoustic speech signal pathology | |
Wiesław WSZOŁEK | 147–163 |
Assessment of velum malfunction in children through simultaneous nasal and oral acoustic signals measurements | |
Application of new acoustic parameters in ANN-aided pathological speech diagnosis | |
Joanna SZALENIEC, Maciej MODRZEJEWSKI, Maciej SZALENIEC, Wiesław WSZOŁEK | 177–186 |
Celebrations of 50 years of the Acoustic Centre at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań | |
Urszula JORASZ | 187–188 |
35th Winter School on Vibroacoustical Hazards Suppressions – Wisła, Poland, February 26 – March 02, 2007 | |
Roman BUKOWSKI | 189–195 |
36th Winter School on Wave and Quantum Acoustics – Wisła, Poland, February 26 – March 02, 2007 | |
Roman BUKOWSKI | 197–200 |