Review Papers
Tire and Engine Sources Contribution to Vehicle Interior Noise and Vibration Exposure Levels | |
Shawki ABOUEL-SEOUD | 201–214 |
Review of Lattice Boltzmann Method Applied to Computational Aeroacoustics | |
Weidong SHAO, Jun LI | 215–238 |
Research Papers
Sound Wave Radiation from Partially Lined Duct | |
Burhan TIRYAKIOGLU, Ahmet DEMIR | 239–249 |
Effect of Individualized Head-Related Transfer Functions on Distance Perception in Virtual Reproduction for a Nearby Sound Source | |
Guangzheng YU, Liliang WANG | 251–258 |
An Improved MSA Model for Evaluating the Sound Transmission Loss of a Rectangular Plate for Diffuse Field Incidence | |
Myong-Jin KIM, Kyong-Su WON, Chol-Su RI | 259–265 |
Application of Acoustic Signals for Rectifier Fault Detection in Brushless Synchronous Generator | |
Mehdi RAHNAMA, Abolfazl VAHEDI | 267–276 |
Speech Emotion Recognition Based on Voice Fundamental Frequency | |
Teodora DIMITROVA-GREKOW, Aneta KLIS, Magdalena IGRAS-CYBULSKA | 277–286 |
Real-Time Vocal Tract Model for Elongation of Segment Lengths in a Waveguide Model | |
Tahir Mushtaq QURESHI, Muhammad ISHAQ | 287–300 |
A Study of Directional Patterns of Ultrasonic Parametric Array | |
Denis Sergeevich RAKOV, Aleksandr S. RAKOV, Andrey N. KUDRYAVTSEV, Nikolay P. KRASNENKO, Yury A. CHURSIN, Maksim A. MURIN | 301–307 |
Vibration Analysis of a Carbon Nanotube Reinforced Uniform and Tapered Composite Beams | |
Ananda BABU ARUMUGAM, Vasudevan RAJAMOHAN, Naresh BANDARU, Edwin SUDHAGAR P., Surajkumar G. KUMBHAR | 309–320 |
Impact of Boundary Conditions on Acoustic Excitation of Entropy Perturbations in a Bounded Volume of Newtonian Gas | |
Anna PERELOMOVA | 321–328 |
Application of Ultrasonic Methods for Evaluation of High-Pressure Physicochemical Parameters of Liquids | |
Piotr KIEŁCZYNSKI, Stanisław PTASZNIK, Marek SZALEWSKI, Andrzej BALCERZAK, Krzysztof WIEJA, Aleksander J. ROSTOCKI | 329–337 |
Variability of the Acoustic Emission Signals Generated by Partial Discharges in Mineral Oil | |
Michał KUNICKI | 339–348 |
Selection of Exposure Parameters for a HIFU Ablation System Using an Array of Thermocouples and Numerical Simulations | |
Łukasz FURA, Tamara KUJAWSKA | 349–355 |
Separation of Cells From Plasma by Means of Ultrasonics | |
Andrzej WŁOCH, Henryka CZYŻ, Tadeusz JASINSKI | 357–363 |
Statistical Optimization of Underwater Lower-Frequency Sound Insulation for Locally Resonant Sonic Material Using Genetic Algorithm | |
Bo YUAN, Yong CHEN, Bilian TAN, Bo LI | 365–374 |
Methods to Estimate the Channel Delay Profile and Doppler Spectrum of Shallow Underwater Acoustic Channels | |
Van Duc NGUYEN, Tien Hoa NGUYEN, Hoa Xuan Thi HO | 375–383 |
Technical Notes
On Suitability of Day-Night Average Sound Level Descriptor in Indian Scenario | |
Naveen GARG | 385–392 |
48th Winter School on Wave and Quantum Acoustics XLVIIth Winter School on Environmental Acoustics and Vibroacoustics Szczyrk, Poland, 25.02–01.03.2019 | |
Winter Schools on Acoustics | 393–401 |
International Symposium on Fluid Acoustics IFA2019 Sopot, Poland, May 20–22, 2019 | |
IFA 2019 | 403–416 |