Research Papers
A geometrical-numerical method for the determination of the acoustic field properties related to the directions of reflected waves* | |
Maria Tajchert | 173-182 |
A method for determining the equivalent level of noise generated by a system of sources in an enclosure | |
Rufin Makarewicz, Gabriela Kerber | 183-196 |
Application of an automatic audiometer in the measurement of the directional characteristic of hearing | |
Jan Żera, Tomira Boehm, Tomasz Łętowski | 197-206 |
Fundamental aspects of aeroacoustics in singing | |
Zygmunt Pawłowski, Marek Żółtowski | 207-224 |
Dynamic ultrasonic visualization of blood vessels and flows | |
Andrzej Nowicki, John M. Reid | 225-246 |
Application of the stationary echo cancellation technique (SEC) in ultrasonic doppler measurements of blood flow in children's hearts | |
L. Filipczyński, A. Nowicki, A. Chrościcki | 247-252 |
Detectability of blood vessels by means of the ultrasonic echo method using a focused ultrasonic beam | |
Leszek Filipczyński | 253-270 |
Acoustooptic conversion of te and tm modes in a diffusive planar waveguide | |
Mieczysław Szustakowski, Bogusław Świetlicki | 271-301 |
An improved piezoelectric ceramic transducer for ultrasonic applications in air | |
V. N. Bindal, Mukesh Chandra | 281-286 |
In Memoriam
Prof. dr STEFAN CZARNECKI died in warsaw on 1 september, 1982 | |
Editorial Committe and Board | 171-172 |
XXVIII open seminar on acoustics Gliwice, 7-11 September, 1981 | |
H. Ryffert | 287-292 |