Archives of Acoustics, 32, 4(S), pp. 65-70, 2007

Dielectric and piezoelectric properties of PZT type ceramics obtained by the sol-gel method

Monika Dukat
University of Silesia, Faculty of Computers Science and Materials Science, Żeromskiego 3, 41-200 Sosnowiec

Aldona Zarycka
University of Silesia, Faculty of Computers Science and Materials Science, Żeromskiego 3, 41-200 Sosnowiec

A sol-gel method belongs to chemical methods of producing non-organic and nonmetallic
materials. As a result of a synthesis by the sol-gel method a powder with the
Pb(Zr$_{0.35}$Ti$_{0.65}$)O$_{3}$ chemical composition, which was formed and sintered freely, and hot
pressed as well, was obtained. The obtained ceramic material was subjected to test of properties
of permittivity, loss tangent and piezoelectric properties as well. Both a description of a
technological process to obtain ceramic materials by the sol-gel method and the determined
dielectric and piezoelectric parameters of the ceramic in question are presented in this work.
The ceramic in question can be used, among others, in pressure sensors, electroacoustic transducers,
piezoceramic amplifiers, loudspeakers and microphones.
Keywords: sol-gel method, PZT ceramic, permittivity, dielectric losses.
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