Archives of Acoustics, 43, 4, pp. 637–645, 2018

Implementation of a Novel Audio Network Protocol

Jaeho LEE
Kwangwoon University
Korea, Republic of

Hyoungjoon JEON
Kwangwoon University
Korea, Republic of

Pyungho CHOI
Kwangwoon University
Korea, Republic of

Soonchul KWON
Kwangwoon University
Korea, Republic of

Seunghyun LEE
Kwangwoon University
Korea, Republic of

Recently, the rapid advancement of the IT industry has resulted in significant changes in audio-system configurations; particularly, the audio over internet protocol (AoIP) network-based audio-transmission technology has received favourable evaluations in this field. Applying the AoIP in a certain section of the multiple-cable zone is advantageous because the installation cost is lower than that for the existing systems, and the original sound is transmitted without any distortion. The existing AoIP-based technology, however, cannot control the audio-signal characteristics of every device and can only transmit multiple audio signals through a network. In this paper, the proposed Audio Network & Control Hierarchy Over peer-to-peer (Anchor) system enables all audio equipment to send and receive signals via a data network, and the receiving device can mix the signals of different IPs. Accordingly, it was possible to improve the system-application flexibility by simplifying the audio-system configuration. The research results confirmed that the received audio signals from different IPs were received, mixed, and output without errors. It is expected that Anchor will become a standard for audio-network protocols.
Keywords: AoIP; DANTE; SR System; audio mixer.
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Copyright © Polish Academy of Sciences & Institute of Fundamental Technological Research (IPPT PAN).


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DOI: 10.24425/aoa.2018.125157