Archives of Acoustics, 44, 1, pp. 105–116, 2019

Hybrid Artificial Boundary Conditions for the Application of Blunt-Body Aerodynamic Noise Prediction

Ruixian MA
Harbin Institute of Technology

Zhansheng LIU
Harbin Institute of Technology

University of New South Wales

Danielle J. MOREAU
University of New South Wales

Rzeszów University of Technology

A hybrid artificial boundary condition (HABC) that combines the volume-based acoustic damping layer (ADL) and the local face-based characteristic boundary condition (CBC) is presented to enhance the absorption of acoustic waves near the computational boundaries. This method is applied to the prediction of aerodynamic noise from a circular cylinder immersed in uniform compressible viscous flow. Different ADLs are designed to assess their effectiveness whereby the effect of the mesh-stretch direction on wave absorption in the ADL is analysed. Large eddy simulation (LES) and FW-H acoustic analogy method are implemented to predict the far-field noise, and the sensitivities of each approach to the HABC are compared. In the LES computed propagation field of the fluctuation pressure and the frequency-domain results, the spurious reflections at edges are found to be significantly eliminated by the HABC through the effective dissipation of incident waves along the wave-front direction in the ADL. Thereby, the LES results are found to be in a good agreement with the acoustic pressure predicted using FW-H method, which is observed to be just affected slightly by reflected waves.
Keywords: cylinder aerodynamic noise; non-reflecting boundary conditions; large eddy simulation; FW-H acoustic analogy; acoustic damping layer
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DOI: 10.24425/aoa.2019.126357