Archives of Acoustics,
16, 2, pp. 195-205, 1991
Outline of the Polish Acousticians History Part II (1970-1989)
This study is the second part of a chronological complication of the most important events in the scientific life of Polish acousticians in the past 20 years, 1970-1989. The first part of the outline, covering the years before 1969, was published in the materials of 36th Open Seminar on Acoustics OSA'89, held in Szczyrk-Biła, September 1989 [1]. It was also published in Archives of Acoustics 15, 1-2 (1990) [2]. The second part of the Outline was published in Polish in the materials of the 37th Open Seminar on Acoustics held in Gdańsk, September 1990 [63]. Actually, the outline has been completed with new informations concerning the period which ended in 1969.
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