Archives of Acoustics, 31, 4(S), pp. 325-333, 2006

Time-frequency analysis of the AE signals generated by PDs on bushing and stand-off insulators

T. Boczar
Opole University of Technology, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Automatic Control and Computer Science, Sosnkowskiego 31, 45-272 Opole

S. Borucki
Opole University of Technology, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Automatic Control and Computer Science, Sosnkowskiego 31, 45-272 Opole

A. Cichoń
Opole University of Technology, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Automatic Control and Computer Science, Sosnkowskiego 31, 45-272 Opole

M. Lorenc
Opole University of Technology, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Automatic Control and Computer Science, Sosnkowskiego 31, 45-272 Opole

The subject matter of this paper refers to the application of the acoustic emission method
(AE) for the measurement and analysis of the pulses (AE) generated by surface partial discharges
(SPD) occurring on bushing and stand-off insulators. Within the research work carried
out, the results of which are presented in this paper, the AE pulses generated by SPDs
were measured at meteorological and technical parameter changes for high-voltage experiments
carried out. The range of the research work included the comparison of the timefrequency
analysis results of the AE pulses generated by SPDs in a bushing insulator at the
distance changes between an insulation grip and a ferrule, and at the internal electrode diameter
changes. In Summing-up the comparative analysis was carried out for the results obtained
in the time-frequency domain for bushing and stand-off insulators.
Keywords: partial discharges (PDs), acoustic emission (AE), surface discharges (SPDs), stand-off insulator, bushing insulator.
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