Archives of Acoustics,
31, 4(S), pp. 379-384, 2006
Application of the gold ring bundles for innovative non-redundant sonar systems
The paper involves techniques for configure linear, planar or three-dimensional spacetapered
arrays of radar or sonar system, using novel designs based on the Perfect Combinatorial
Sequencing Theory, namely the concept of Gold Ring Bundles (GRB)s for finding
the optimal placement of array antenna elements in the system with respect to minimizing
side lobes, while maintaining or improving on resolving ability and the other significant operating
characteristics of the system. It is shown that the method provides many opportunities of
the concept for configure of non-uniform array with non-redundant aperture of array systems,
including acoustics and hydroacoustics.
arrays of radar or sonar system, using novel designs based on the Perfect Combinatorial
Sequencing Theory, namely the concept of Gold Ring Bundles (GRB)s for finding
the optimal placement of array antenna elements in the system with respect to minimizing
side lobes, while maintaining or improving on resolving ability and the other significant operating
characteristics of the system. It is shown that the method provides many opportunities of
the concept for configure of non-uniform array with non-redundant aperture of array systems,
including acoustics and hydroacoustics.
non-redundant sonar system, Novel design, perfect combinatorial sequencing theory, Gold Ring Bundle, non-uniform antenna array, minimizing side-lobes.
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