Archives of Acoustics, 36, 3, pp. 603–611, 2011

Elastic Wave Behaviour in 2-D Acoustic Interface Superlattices of an Altered Phase

Military University of Technology Faculty of Electronics Institute of Radioelectronics

Bogdan LILA
Military University of Technology Faculty of Electronics Institute of Radioelectronics

The purpose of the paper is to outline a systematic and unified non-local treat-
ment of mode conversion effects associated with an interface superlattice being a 2D
pseudo-array composed of altered phase inclusions (exemplified by impurity clusters)
and located at a solid-solid plane interface. It will be illustrated, in some detail, for
the instructive case of a Stoneley type acoustic wave (SW), incident on a period-
ically nonhomogeneous portion of an interface and partly transformed into bulk
modes propagating in one of the component solid. An analytical model scheme is
constructed, using a variational method combined with the T matrix approach, ap-
propriate for the 2D periodic array treated, and decaying into the depth of this solid
for the structure in a way determined by the array geometry and element 3D pro-
files as well as the boundary conditions at the interface. An apodization (weighting)
to reduce the side-lobes level is incorporated into the structure by appropriately
varying lateral dimensions and the depth of particular scatterers.
Keywords: acoustic antennas; elastic layers; interfaces
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