Archives of Acoustics, 36, 2, pp. 395–418, 2011

Creating Acoustic Maps Employing Supercomputing Cluster

Gdansk University of Technology Multimedia Systems Department

Gdansk University of Technology Multimedia Systems Department

Gdansk University of Technology Multimedia Systems Department

The implemented online urban noise pollution monitoring system is presented
with regard to its conceptual assumptions and technical realization. A concept of
the noise source parameters dynamic assessment is introduced. The idea of noise
modeling, based on noise emission characteristics and emission simulations, was developed
and practically utilized in the system. Furthermore, the working system
architecture and the data acquisition scheme are described. The method for increasing
the speed of noise map calculation employing a supercomputer is explained. The
practical implementation of noise maps generation and visualization system is presented,
together with introduced improvements in the domain of continuous noise
monitoring and acoustic maps creation. Some results of tests performed using the
system prototype are shown. The main focus is put on assessing the efficiency of the
acoustic maps created with the discussed system, in comparison to results obtained
with traditional methods.
Keywords: noise pollution; acoustic noise monitoring; noise propagation model; supercomputing; acoustic maps
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