Archives of Acoustics,
36, 2, pp. 461–478, 2011
Parametric Audio Based Decoder and Music Synthesizer for Mobile Applications
This paper reviews parametric audio coders and discusses novel technologies introduced
in a low-complexity, low-power consumption audio decoder and music synthesizer
platform developed by the authors. The decoder uses parametric coding
scheme based on the MPEG-4 Parametric Audio standard. In order to keep the
complexity low, most of the processing is performed in the parametric domain. This
parametric processing includes pitch and tempo shifting, volume adjustment, selection
of psychoacoustically relevant components for synthesis and stereo image
creation. The decoder allows for good quality 44.1 kHz stereo audio streaming at
24 kbps. The synthesizer matches the audio quality of industry-standard samplebased
synthesizers while using a twenty times smaller memory footprint soundbank.
The presented decoder/synthesizer is designed for low-power mobile platforms and
supports music streaming, ringtone synthesis, gaming and remixing applications.
in a low-complexity, low-power consumption audio decoder and music synthesizer
platform developed by the authors. The decoder uses parametric coding
scheme based on the MPEG-4 Parametric Audio standard. In order to keep the
complexity low, most of the processing is performed in the parametric domain. This
parametric processing includes pitch and tempo shifting, volume adjustment, selection
of psychoacoustically relevant components for synthesis and stereo image
creation. The decoder allows for good quality 44.1 kHz stereo audio streaming at
24 kbps. The synthesizer matches the audio quality of industry-standard samplebased
synthesizers while using a twenty times smaller memory footprint soundbank.
The presented decoder/synthesizer is designed for low-power mobile platforms and
supports music streaming, ringtone synthesis, gaming and remixing applications.
parametric audio; music synthesis; music creativity; decoding; lowcomplexity; mobile; psychoacoustics
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