Archives of Acoustics,
36, 1, pp. 57–63, 2011
A System for Management of Urbanized Areas in the Aspect of Acoustic Effects
Within the boundaries of many municipal urbanized areas, large grounds are
found, from which the noise is emitted into the environment, surrounded by the
regions liable to acoustic protection. Such a condition generates many problems
including also those ones related to the lack of the fulfillment of requirements concerning
environmental protection against excessive noise. Therefore the aim of vital
importance is the proper management of municipal grounds, both in view of the
investment in policy steering, especially of new investments, and in the case of activities
aimed at maintaining or restoring (revitalizing) the acoustic properties on
the grounds that have already been used or simply degraded before.
Keeping the scale of the problem in mind, such activities must be carried on
not temporarily, but must have a systemic character. The structure of every system
is characterized by the appropriate relationships among their elements and the
properties of those relationships. In case of the noise management system, the elements
of such a system are the activities connected with the management itself
that are the actions which rely on specifying the aims and causing their realization
within the scope and on the grounds subject to the managing entity. The superior
aim of such activities should be to supply the tools for improvement of management
and in the process of taking decisions that relate to investments including the
of optimization conditions and maintenance of socio-economic importance of such
found, from which the noise is emitted into the environment, surrounded by the
regions liable to acoustic protection. Such a condition generates many problems
including also those ones related to the lack of the fulfillment of requirements concerning
environmental protection against excessive noise. Therefore the aim of vital
importance is the proper management of municipal grounds, both in view of the
investment in policy steering, especially of new investments, and in the case of activities
aimed at maintaining or restoring (revitalizing) the acoustic properties on
the grounds that have already been used or simply degraded before.
Keeping the scale of the problem in mind, such activities must be carried on
not temporarily, but must have a systemic character. The structure of every system
is characterized by the appropriate relationships among their elements and the
properties of those relationships. In case of the noise management system, the elements
of such a system are the activities connected with the management itself
that are the actions which rely on specifying the aims and causing their realization
within the scope and on the grounds subject to the managing entity. The superior
aim of such activities should be to supply the tools for improvement of management
and in the process of taking decisions that relate to investments including the
of optimization conditions and maintenance of socio-economic importance of such
environment; noise; system; management; optimization
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