Archives of Acoustics, 8, 3, pp. 255-268, 1983

Ultrasonic investigations of 2.ethylhexadiole-1.3. In the region of viscoelastic relaxation

Marek Waciński
Institute of Chemistry, Silesian University

Ryszard Płowiec
Institute of Fundamental Technological Research Polish Academy of Sciences

This paper gives the results of measurements of mechanical shear impe-dance in 2-ethylhexadiole-1.3., at frequencies of 0.520, 29.9 and 500 MHz. Measurements carried out with transverse waves in the region of viscoelastic relaxation permitted the determination of viscoelastic relaxation times and the characteristic constant quantities such as the modulus of elasticity, mecha¬nical compliance and dynamic viscosity.
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