Archives of Acoustics, 4, 1, pp. 11-26, 1979

Traffic noise measurements in antwerp and brussels and their Relation with annoyance

H. Myncke
Laboratorium voor Akoestiek en Warmtegeleiding K. U.

A. Cops
Laboratorium voor Akoestiek en Warmtegeleiding K. U.

R. Gambart
Laboratorium voor Akoestiek en Warmtegeleiding K. U.

P. Steenackers
Laboratorium voor Akoestiek en Warmtegeleiding K. U.

This work is a part of a large scale traffic noise survey in two Belgian cities: Antwerp and Brussels.
A social survey (interviews of 1800 persons) was coupled with intensive acoustical measurements (40 places in Antwerp and 25 in Brussels, covering 1100 hours of measurements). Part I concerns the physical measurements, analysis and synthesis of the data. A prediction method based on these mea-surements is also included. Part II concerns the results of the enquiry about annoyance and its correlation with physical quantities.
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