Archives of Acoustics,
4, 1, pp. 57-64, 1979
Propagation of elastic wave in solid layer-liquid system*
The paper presents the solution of the problem of a flat wave propagating without attenuation along a solid layer placed between a semispace filled with li¬quid and the vacuum.
The wave equation of scalar and vector potentials of displacement has been solved for this case. 'A characteristic equation accounting for boundary conditions has been derived. This equation has been solved numerically and it has been shown that in these conditions the wave can propagate at a velocity slightly smaller than the wave velocity in the liquid.
The distributions of stress, acoustic pressure, and displacement of the propagating wave have been determined numerically for a layer of a thickness a = 0.075 cm and a = 0.010 cm, contacting with water on one side, and for a frequency of 3 x 106 Hz. The type of wave is close to a surface wave.
The wave equation of scalar and vector potentials of displacement has been solved for this case. 'A characteristic equation accounting for boundary conditions has been derived. This equation has been solved numerically and it has been shown that in these conditions the wave can propagate at a velocity slightly smaller than the wave velocity in the liquid.
The distributions of stress, acoustic pressure, and displacement of the propagating wave have been determined numerically for a layer of a thickness a = 0.075 cm and a = 0.010 cm, contacting with water on one side, and for a frequency of 3 x 106 Hz. The type of wave is close to a surface wave.
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