Archives of Acoustics, 25, 4, pp. , 2000

The effect of rate changes of the constant external magnetic field on the coefficient of ultrasonic wave absorption in polydispersive magnetic fluid

A. Józefczak
Adam Mickiewicz University, Institute of Acoustics

A. Skumiel
Adam Mickiewicz University, Institute of Acoustics

M. Łabowski
Adam Mickiewicz University, Institute of Acoustics

In this paper are presented experimental results of changes
of the ultrasonic wave absorption coefficient as the function of external
magnetic field intensity, for different rates of magnetic field changes in a
polydispersive magnetic liquid EMG-605 based on water. Measurements were
performed for two frequencies of ultrasonic wave: 3.6MHz and 6.12MHz, where the
directions of propagation of ultrasonic wave and external magnetic field were
mutually parallel and perpendicular. This paper presents also the radii of
detected spherical clusters formed in magnetic fluid under the influence of
magnetic field.
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