Archives of Acoustics,
26, 3, pp. , 2001
Coherent states in brillouin light scattering
The present article describes inelastic light scattering or
the theory of photon acoustic- phonon interactions to which the coherent state
formalism can be applied; it belongs partly to quantum acoustics. Such quantum
calculations lead to the same results as the classical ones, and what is
important, they are not in full agreement with the results of measurements. The
article provides some formulae useful for comparison of the optical signals
intensity in Brillouin light scattering experiments.
the theory of photon acoustic- phonon interactions to which the coherent state
formalism can be applied; it belongs partly to quantum acoustics. Such quantum
calculations lead to the same results as the classical ones, and what is
important, they are not in full agreement with the results of measurements. The
article provides some formulae useful for comparison of the optical signals
intensity in Brillouin light scattering experiments.
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