Archives of Acoustics,
28, 1, pp. , 2003
Effect of structural viscosity on the propagation of ultrasonic waves in dilute suspensions
The aim of the paper is a rigorous derivation of the
formulas determining the phase velocity and the attenuation coefficient of
ultrasonic waves propagating in diluted suspensions, and experimental
verification of these theoretical predictions. In experiments, the ultrasonic
waves were propagating trough the suspension composed of peat suspended in
water. The satisfactory fitness of the values implied by the theoretically
obtained formulas and the respective expeimental data allow us to recommend the
ultrasonic method as a non-invasive, rapid, accurate and cheap method that might
be used for assessments of the solid content in suspensions.
formulas determining the phase velocity and the attenuation coefficient of
ultrasonic waves propagating in diluted suspensions, and experimental
verification of these theoretical predictions. In experiments, the ultrasonic
waves were propagating trough the suspension composed of peat suspended in
water. The satisfactory fitness of the values implied by the theoretically
obtained formulas and the respective expeimental data allow us to recommend the
ultrasonic method as a non-invasive, rapid, accurate and cheap method that might
be used for assessments of the solid content in suspensions.
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