Archives of Acoustics, 29, 2, pp. , 2004

The total sound power radiated by a clamped-guided annular plate excited for vibrations by an external surface pressure

W. P. Rdzanek
University of Rzeszów, Department of Acoustics

W. M. Zawieska
Central Institute for Labour Protection, Department of Noise and Electromagnetic Hazards

A problem of sound radiation by a clamped-guided annular
plate with a hole in its center has been considered which is considerably more
complex than it is in the case of a circular plate. The plate is subjected for
vibrations by an external pressure. The vibrating system is controlled by a
shaker clamped into the internal edge of the plate which make it possible to
control vibrations of the plate as well as the total sound power radiated. The
plate's volume displacement has been presented which make it possible to roughly
rate the compensation quality. An amplitude-phase compensation system make it
possible to observe both resonance and antiresonance phenomenas.
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