Archives of Acoustics, 29, 2, pp. , 2004

Intelligent methods for active noise and vibration control

M. O. Tokhi
The University of Sheffield, Department of Automatic Control and Systems Engineering

This paper presents an overview of intelligent soft
computing techniques within the framework of active control of noise and
vibration. Tools considered include genetic algorithms (GAs), neural networks
(NNs) and fuzzy logic (FL). The paper highlights associated merits and potential
benefits of the approaches in modelling and control of dynamic systems. These
are demonstrated in the control of noise in free-field propagation and vibration
suppression in 1D and 2D flexible structures. The paper shows that the potential
benefits of the individual components can be exploited and approaches for design
and development of hybrid soft-computing algorithms devised for modelling and
control of dynamic systems. It is demonstrated that significant benefits in
terms of performance can be gained with such hybrid algorithms. Keywords: active
noise control, active vibration control, fuzzy logic, genetic algorithms, neural
networks, modelling of dynamic systems.
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