Archives of Acoustics, 30, 2, pp. , 2005

Investigations on the angle of directional hearing acuity

M. Niewiarowicz
Poznań University of Medical Sciences

J. Czajka
Poznań University of Medical Sciences; Adam Mickiewicz University, Institute of Acoustics

E. Hojan
Adam Mickiewicz University, Institute of Acoustics

This article presents results of investigations of the
angle of directional hearing acuity (ADHA) as a measure of the spatial hearing
ability. A modified method proposed by Zakrzewski has been used -- ADHA values
have been determined for azimuths in the horizontal plane at the height of the
listener's head. Application of different acoustic signals - sinusoidal signals
(pure tones), 1/3 octave noise, and amplitude modulated 1/3 octave noise, helped
to reveal significant differences in ADHA values for individual signal types. A
better localization of the sound source for noise type signals than those for
sinusoidal signals has been found. Furthermore, smaller differences in the
perception of noise signals compared with differences in the perception of
sinusoidal signals were recorded for individual listeners. The best localization
was stated for the azimuth 0o and the worst for the azimuth 90o and 270o.
Keywords: sound source localization, angle of directional hearing acuity, amplitude-modulated 1/3 octave band noise.
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