Archives of Acoustics, 33, 3, pp. 351–362, 2008

Dynamic measurement of particle diameter and drag coefficient using the ultrasonic method

TU Dresden, Institute of Fluid Mechanics

Wrocław University of Technology

The possibility of ultrasonic impulse echo method
utilization for diameter determination in liquids and for frontal drag
coefficient calculation has been presented in this paper. The investigations
were carried out in uniform and accelerated motion area for steel and glass
balls freely falling in a~water-filled tank. The accuracy of this method as a
function of flight time readout resolution and ultrasonic wave velocity
equation, assumed for calculations has been analyzed as well. Its further
utilization in two-phase liquid metal/gas flow investigations has been proposed
in this paper.
Keywords: ultrasonic impulse echo method; spherical particles diameter; frontal drag coefficient; measurement error; uncertainty
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