Archives of Acoustics, 33, 3, pp. 363–372, 2008

Ultrasonic study of CuxAg1-xInTe2 bulk material

Mohamed El Sayed GAAFAR
Ultrasonic Laboratory, National Institute for Standards

El Sayed Abd El-Halim EL-SAYAD
Physics Department, National Research Center

Samir Yousuf MARZOUK
Electron Microscope and Thin Films Department, National Research Center

Longitudinal and shear ultrasonic wave velocities were measured in the quaternary compounds CuxAg1-xInTe2 (0[ampersand]le;x[ampersand]le;1) using pulse echo technique. Measurements were carried out at 4 MHz frequency and at room temperature. Elastic moduli and acoustic impedance have been calculated. Results indicated that these parameters are influenced by the increased addition of copper from x=0 to[ampersand]nbsop;1.
Keywords: semiconductors; ultrasonic wave velocity; elastic properties
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