Archives of Acoustics, 34, 2, pp. 177–188, 2009

Verification of two methods of railway noise propagation

Adam Mickiewicz University, Institute of Acoustics

Adam Mickiewicz University, Institute of Acoustics

The noise maps of agglomerations comprise those of road
traffic-, tram-, aircraft-, industrial- and railway noise. EU recommends the use
of a few selected calculation methods for the estimation of noise: for road
traffic noise - NMPB-Routes-96, for aircraft noise - ECAC.CEAC Doc 29, for
industrial noise - ISO 9613-2 and for railway noise - Reken en Meetvoorschrijft
Railverkeerslawaai 1996 (for tram noise - there is no specific computation
method). However, the Member States can use their own computations methods
provided that these methods have been positively verified. The results of the
calculations using their own method and interim method must be compatible. In
this paper, two methods of railway noise propagation are compared: the first one
recommended by EU and the second one developed at the Adam Mickiewicz University
in Poznań. The results obtained by the two methods are similar.
Keywords: railway noise
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