Archives of Acoustics,
34, 2, pp. 231–249, 2009
Variational treatment of a vibrating LiNbO3-based rectangular hybrid structure: the developing of a functional for computing surface-load configurations
Electrically-excited electroelastic extensional vibrations
of an arbitrarily cut three-dimensional piezocrystal resonator are analyzed
variationally. A set of trigonometric trial functions applicable to a waveguide
behavior of the resonator partly covered by metal electrodes is proposed. The
dependence of the content of the vibration modes sustained by the resonator on
the electrode configuration is found. The frequency spectra taken in
128o-Y-rotated LiNbO3 rectangular plates exhibit a good conformity with the
computed resonator eigenfrequencies.
of an arbitrarily cut three-dimensional piezocrystal resonator are analyzed
variationally. A set of trigonometric trial functions applicable to a waveguide
behavior of the resonator partly covered by metal electrodes is proposed. The
dependence of the content of the vibration modes sustained by the resonator on
the electrode configuration is found. The frequency spectra taken in
128o-Y-rotated LiNbO3 rectangular plates exhibit a good conformity with the
computed resonator eigenfrequencies.
electroelastic vibrations; variation computations; hybrid structures;
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