Archives of Acoustics, 37, 4, pp. 455–462, 2012

Design, Manufacture and Characterization of an Acoustic Barrier Made of Multi-Phenomena Cylindrical Scatterers Arranged in a Fractal-Based Geometry

Dpto. Fısica Aplicada, Universitat Politecnica de Valencia

Constanza RUBIO
Centro de Tecnologıas Fısicas: Acustica, Materiales y Astrofısica, Universitat Politecnica de Valencia

Instituto de Investigación para la Gestión Integrada de zonas Costeras, Universitat Politecnica de Valencia

Centro de Tecnologıas Fısicas: Acustica, Materiales y Astrofısica, Universitat Politecnica de Valencia

Instituto Universitario de Matematica Pura y Aplicada, Universitat Politecnica de Valencia

In this work we present the design and the manufacturing processes, as well as the acoustics standard-
ization tests, of an acoustic barrier formed by a set of multi-phenomena cylindrical scatterers. Periodic
arrangements of acoustic scatterers embedded in a fluid medium with different physical properties are
usually called Sonic Crystals. The multiple scattering of waves inside these structures leads to attenuation
bands related to the periodicity of the structure by means of Bragg scattering. In order to design the
acoustic barrier, two strategies have been used: First, the arrangement of scatterers is based on fractal
geometries to maximize the Bragg scattering; second, multi-phenomena scatterers with several noise con-
trol mechanisms, as resonances or absorption, are designed and used to construct the periodic array. The
acoustic barrier reported in this work provides a high technological solution in the field of noise control.
Keywords: acoustic arrays; acoustic attenuation; acoustic wave absorption; acoustic wave scattering; phononic crystals; acoustic barrier; physical effect of sound
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