Archives of Acoustics,
35, 3, pp. 361–369, 2010
Controlling of violations of the basic assumptions of the recurrent assessment model of long-term noise indicators
The function of a new estimation procedure of long-term noise indicators is considered in this study. New possibilities are related to the stochastic modelling of the control data formation mechanism. Assuming the mathematical formalism based on the adaptive model of exponential smoothing of control data, the need of controlling at each estimation stage of long-term noise indicators, the adherence to the model assumptions is formulated. The procedure of its realisation is described in the paper. The tracking signal method referred to the tested errors of the assumed model was applied. The ratio of the sum of model errors in relation to the average absolute error, generated by the assumed approximation, was selected as the representative of the tracking signal. Conditions for the acceptation of the model assumption were defined. The analysis of functionality of the developed solution was illustrated by the results of a continuous noise monitoring recorded at one of the main arteries in Kraków.
acoustic monitoring of environment; estimation of long-term noise indicators; controlling of violations of model assumptions
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