Archives of Acoustics, 21, 1, pp. 53-63, 1996

Critical properties of acoustic wave absorption in the benzonitrile-isooctane system

T. Hornowski
Institute of Acoustics, A. Mickiewicz University, 61-679 Poznań, Matejki 48/49

M. Łabowski
Institute of Acoustics, A. Mickiewicz University, 61-679 Poznań, Matejki 48/49

Experimental results for the absorption of ultrasonic waves in critical benzonitrile + isooctane
mixtures in the frequency range 5-21 MHz and at temperatures 0.l5≤T - Tc
20 K are reported and confronted with the Shiwa-Kawasaki's mode-coupling theory. The theoretical
scaling function was found to describe the experimental results correctly throughout the reduced
frequency range ω*<50. The values of certain thermodynamic parameters necessary for the
determination of the reduced amplitude A(ε) were calculated using the linear relation
between αc/f2 and f-1.06 predicted by the
Bhattacharjee-Ferell dynamic scaling theory.
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