Archives of Acoustics,
9, 1-2, pp. 175-180, 1984
Results of doppler investigation of blood flow velocity in reduced inflow or increased resistance in the brachial artery
Recordings of the blood velocity in the brachial artery were made in heal-thy persons by means of Doppler ultrasound, ECG and phonocardiography methods. The blood inflow to the brachial artery was reduced at first by a mecha¬nical occluding of the axillary artery, simulating conditions similar to the aortic stenosis, low cardiac output and obstructive cardiomyopathy. In the second stage, peripheral resistance was increased by compression of the forearm, clen¬ching fist or elevation of the upper extremity. In the last stage, respiration influence of arterial and venous flows was evaluated.
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